Anthony Fels - Durack

Anthony’s specific occupational roles have been held in the small business and agricultural sectors.

Shadow Minister for Fair Trading & the Mid-West, Anthony resigned from the Liberal Party in 2008 to become an Independent.

Anthony has always supported honest and open government and has the demonstrated track record to represent the people and regional businesses of Durack.

As a former Liberal for all of his life, Anthony knows the Liberals don’t deserve to be in government unless a Federal Anti-Corruption Commission is established. This Government has placed our economy in the worst position in our Nation’s history, and now relies upon our resources to repay the debt.

After running three times with the Liberal Party, Anthony was elected to Parliament in 2005 at the election lost by the Liberals after Colin Barnett’s canal water debacle. Nothing in the WA Liberal Party has changed since their drubbing at the last year’s State Election.

As a student politician at UWA in the 1980’s, Anthony successfully crushed the Australian Union of Students then lead by Julia Gillard and Anthony Albanese.

In opposition, he achieved several outcomes including compensation for thousands of victims of the Finance Broking scandal betrayed by successive Liberal & Labor Governments; and voted against public funding of political parties.

Proudly supporting regional people, free enterprise, integrity, a smaller government in Canberra, and a fairer distribution of our GST, Anthony will strive for Western Australia to get a fairer and permanent share of GST; and stop the Canberra rip-off.