Western Australia is the largest state in Australia by geographic area, presenting many challenges, in terms of funding infrastructureFringe Benefits Tax discourages mining companies from providing housing in mining regions, resulting in FIFO which has many downsides including family breakdowns and isolation.  Western Australia’s share of fuel excise is also very low, and fuel excise adds to the cost of living and operating businesses in remote areas, and discourages tourism to these areas.

The Commonwealth Government has progressively reduced the presence of its agencies in Western Australia, by centralising them to the eastern states. This is unacceptable and needs to be reversed, such that at least 10% of all Commonwealth public servants are based in Western Australia. Similarly Western Australia needs to receive its fair share of defence and other Commonwealth contracts.

The Western Australia Party supports a strong border to prevent COVID-19 transmission, as long as it is medically justifiable, and not for economic isolation purposes.

Also the Western Australia Party supports a balanced migration approach to maintain population levels at a sustainable level and also to protect wages and conditions.