The family unit is an essential part of society. Children need the support of their parents, good education and a career path.

A good education is necessary for a person to succeed in life, regardless of their wealth. Every child deserves the opportunity of good education.  The Western Australia Party supports public education and schools to be maintained to a good standard and sufficiently resourced.

The Family Court system is flawed. Many thousands of children are alienated from one parent, and the legal system does not respect that children need contact with both parents.

The Western Australia Party supports urgent reforms to the Family Court of Western Australia.

The Western Australia Party believes vocational training is vital to the future of our state. We need well-trained tradespeople in our hospitality, farming, mining, manufacturing and construction industries. A strong apprenticeship system is necessary to produce the tradespeople of the future.

Western Australia should be a safe place to raise a family. The Western Australia party is committed to public safety and helping families grow and prosper. We also recognise that families require support to stay healthy. We support increasing counselling and mediation services in cases of family breakdown and revising restraining order legislation to prevent malice in such cases.