The formation of the Western Australia Party in 2016 was inspired by the original Western Australian Party (1906-1909) led by Sir John Forrest who was dedicated to protecting the rights of Western Australians and our fair share of federal funding and infrastructure.

Since 2016 our party has nominated more than 50 candidates in State and Federal elections and our “Fix the GST” campaign in 2018 resulted in a GST floor which is part way there to 100% per capita share.

There is no other minor party more dedicated to WA and with more first preference votes. We are the only party in WA with its Head Office in Western Australia and registered both federally and in the state. We make policy in the best interests of Western Australia.


The Western Australia Party is growing.

In 2020 the party received over 60,000 first preference votes and had strong results in three 2018 by-elections

A sensible alternative to Liberal and Labor: A NEW DEAL FOR WA.

  • The Western Australia Party is an independent WA based party with no affiliations to any other party or lobby group.
  • We are a centre-based party with no extreme or nutty views and will promote the interests of WA in Canberra as the Liberals and Labor here are controlled to an extent by Eastern States interests.
  • Western Australia accounts for over 10% of the nation’s population yet receives just over 4% of the GST revenue collected nationally. The leaves the State billions short each year; enough to fix our hospital system, provide public housing to relieve the housing crisis and to build the infrastructure and provide services this State needs.
  • We believe in promoting a strong economy, social justice & promoting small business
  • We believe in climate change and that we should be doing all we can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We want faster action on this than what the current government is doing and will prioritise the development of alternative renewable energy. WA has the mineral resources needed for battery production and we will strongly promote industries involved in carbon neural energy production.
  • We believe in acting to prevent misconduct in any area including the political and finance sector and are strongly against any form of dishonesty or misconduct.
  • We are not a secessionist party, we are not associated in any way with Clive Palmer or Pauline Hanson, we just want a fair deal for Western Australia and will promote what is best for the nation as a whole.
  • With the Liberal party in WA in disarray and some of the Eastern States now pushing for a greater share of GST revenue raised in WA there has never been a greater need or appropriate time for a WA based party to represent the States interests in Canberra.